Monday, December 9, 2019

I Sc 2nd Year LESSON 5 @ Ideas That Have Helped Mankind

 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind
Bertrand Russell

BERTRAND ARTHUR WILLIAM RUSSELL(1872-1970), a British philosopher, historian, mathematician, advocate for social reform, pacifist and a prominent rationalist of the twentieth century, was a prolific writer. He was also a commentator on a large variety of topics. His comments on sex, marriage, politics, religion, science, psychology, philosophy, socialism, education, Christ, Marx, Buddha and a host of other topics are pithy and full of candour. In1950, Russell was awarded Nobel Prize in literature 'in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought. ' As one of the world's best-known intellectuals, Russell's voice carried great moral authority. He was original and provocative in his attitude and clear and forceful in his style. His writings emphasise reason, intelligence, human happiness, peace and liberty. His major works include. A History of Western Philosophy, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, Authority and the Individual, Has Man a Fact and fiction, My philosophical Development, Conquest of Happiness, Marriage and Morals, Roads to Freedom, In Praise of Idleness, Why I am not a Christian.

  1. Before we can discuss this subject we must form some conception as to the kind of effect that we consider a help to mankind. Are mankind helped when they become more numerous? Or when they become less like animals? Or when they become happier? Or when they learns to enjoy a greater diversity of experiences? Or when they come to know more? Or when they become more friendly to one another? and I will say a preliminary word about them.

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